Create a shared Media Repository and Network communication based on the old .Networking implementation of the ProxemicMediaPlayer and make it a reusable Module.
Make a camera-approach example and transfer to a canvas- Encode new Proximity video with latest pictures
- make comic strip with the new Proxemic Media Player Pictures?
- Finish Proxemic Pong Gaming Example:
Add Welcome Screen+ Start-Button/Game SelectionPause Mode+ enable Physical Token for playing +show Score and Winner after each round- restrict Edit Mode by a certain area
enable Exit game (Fade out screen)hook up to proxemic Regionsmake one Player Mode implementationadd 2nd player negotiation about joining and leaving the game- Make a (work in progress)
video clipand write an abstract for documentation - (make a silverlight offline version of the game)
- count points: add point for every paddle-hit, loose point if you disturb opponent?
- Bigger Text for Notifications
- Sound for Paddle-Hit, Wall-Hit, Loose...
- Paddle extends/grows if you stand to close to another person
- Map paddle-movement to a larger movement-range
- Make a Blobby Volleyball game
Read Fiduciary Glove PaperSet up eye-Fi card+ install eyefi and wifi in the homespaceCheck Premiere Video Title "editing issue"Look at Nics ITS presentation and make suggestions + think about the best way to split it upPrepare Text for ITS presentationReread Wendy Ju's Paper and sum it up for thesis- Think about how to integrate Sauls Related work by Idea approach
Prepare 1 minute Madness Presentation of my work for Surfnet-workshop- Prepare a short Presentation about Farseer Physics Engine
(try Farseer 3.0 -> not usable in wpf) try recording feature of the Proximity Toolkit
Personal TODOs:
finish and order photobook of summer tripadd a static project page to my website and release itget backpacking pics from Aliceand upload a selectionCheck for homepage updatesSuggest Hikes for the Weekend- Add more projects to Homepage