I bought a Kinect sensor, built a connector cable and hooked it up to my computer. I got easy access to the skeleton model using the
OpenNI Framework with the C# wrapper together with
primesense NITE drivers.
This let's me control the Proxemic Pong game which I built for the Vicons. The tracking is very accurate and it works reliably with two people. Three people is possible, but occlusion becomes a problem of course. It even keeps the assigned ID's if people leave the visible area for a short time. For the Proxemic Pong game I could have all the same features as with the Vicons except the editing of the paddle - which is due to the lack of interactive vertical surfaces ;-).
The code is all in the svn for the Proxemic Pong game. Its mainly this class:
The embedded video has a poor quality, but you can download one with higher quality:
Proxemic Pong with Kinect video